Who opened Pandora’s box?谁打开了潘多拉的盒子?










            Ancient Greek mythology is the source of Western literature, just like the ancient Chinese Book of Songs.  Each of these two classics has a profound influence on the cultures of the East and the West.

     Many story lines in Greek mythology have revealed the common destiny of mankind, and still have deep meanings for the contemporary world.

     And the Pandora’s box is more enlightening to the world today.

     Pandora was the first woman on the ground made of clay by Hephaestus, the god of fire, and was given to humans as a punishment for Prometheus’ theft of fire.

     Gifts from the gods to make her more attractive, such as Hephaestus made her a gorgeous gold robe.

     The goddess of love Aphrodite gave her the power to charm and seduce a man; God made Hermes teach her the skills of speech.

But Zeus, the king of the gods, gave her a mysterious box containing many unfortunate things-diseases, evils, etc.











           What is the purpose of Pandora’s gift to human beings that was used by the gods to punish Prometheus for stealing fire?

     The omnipotent Zeus knew that a woman was born with a strong curiosity, but why did she give her such a box on purpose?

     Here’s the truth: If humans are stagnant, human society will not progress.

     Human beings are born with curiosity, and this curiosity prompts human beings to continuously create inventions.

     But as human beings’ inventions and inventions bring social progress, they also bring disaster to humanity.

     Artificial fire is the first invention of mankind, and it is also the dividing line of human society from the barbaric era to the civilized era.

     At such a crucial point, the gods sent Pandora and brought the box that Zeus gave her.

In fact, all this predicts the fate of humanity in the future. Zeus the Almighty gives humans two choices: “Either put away your curiosity and rest on the status quo, or accept all the consequences of your curiosity.”










            Humans on our planet have chosen the latter, regardless of the consequences, and only care about the degree of civilization and the depth of their inventions.

     But it is also possible that humans in other parallel universes have chosen the former.  To this day, they still live in the Garden of Eden arranged by God and live a carefree and happy life.

    Humans on Earth began by receiving Pandora as a human being.  With great curiosity and unrelenting creations, human society has made great progress.

     But at the same time, we have brought many serious adverse consequences to us, some of which will bring devastating disasters to humankind.

     This is no longer a sensational gossip.  The severe haze in mainland China today, the deterioration of the global climate, the forest fires in Australia, the hollowness of the earth’s ozone layer, and the melting of Antarctic glaciers all show the seriousness of this consequence.

     The above adverse consequences can be regarded as chronic diseases brought about by the progress of human society.  But such as nuclear weapons, biochemical weapons, genetic modification and other high-end science and technology.

If these high-end technologies are used by some anti-human fascist parties and extreme terrorist organizations, this will bring a devastating disaster to all mankind worldwide.








The peaceful use of atomic energy and the World Nuclear Weapons Convention are absolutely necessary! Because there are still some inhuman devil in human beings, any good thing will become the sickle of death in his hands.

     Biochemical and genetic technologies need global conventions.  Bats have existed in this world for longer than human history.

     They live in inaccessible island caves all year round.  If you don’t provoke it, will it cause you so much trouble?  !!

     The omnipotent Zeus had a complete insight into all humankind, and the evil consequences of curiosity did not make humans feel completely hopeless.  Because Zeus he left us the only good gift in the box … hope.

Hope that the global pneumonia epidemic will end soon! It is hoped that doctors and scientists from various countries will soon produce an effective vaccine. It is hoped that China will never again experience such calamities.



Like fitness, love creation, willing to explore and pursue happiness.

Who opened Pandora’s box?谁打开了潘多拉的盒子? 有 “ 2 則迴響 ”

  1. “但也有可能其他平行宇宙中的人类,选择了前者。至今他们还生活在上帝安排好的伊甸园中,过着无忧无虑的幸福生活。"


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